Mr. Katinsky - Nachalat Benjamin 41

Recent Steps in the Preservation and Restoration of a Historic Preservation Building at 41 Nachalat Binyamin Street.

Along Nahalat Binyamin Street is a charming exhibition of romantic and modern buildings from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Among the plethora of buildings at number 41, stands the historic building that was declared a building for conservation.

What began as an office building with a modern addition from the 1990s eventually became the building’s conversion into a residential building. The appearance of the building was restored to its historic shape and the building additions were combined according to the spirit of the place and the original structure. The architect and architect Naor Mimer did the design and restoration work. The windows, shutters, exterior doors, interior doors and associated accessories are designed for luxury homes and buildings for preservation and adapted to Israeli weather conditions, as well as compliance with stringent international standards.


Architecture: Mimar Naor

Noga Nagarut in the manufacture of doors, windows and wooden blinds that blends in style and color and complements the overall appearance of the building.